Practice memorizing and reading the notes on the music staff by identifying the displayed note. This training app features controls for selecting sharps and flats and for selecting the range of notes. Learn the notes on a standard music staff and beat your best time!
Available Clefs:
- Treble
- Bass
- Alto
- Tenor
Note Notations Supported:
- C D E F G A B,
- C D E F G A H,
- Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
Praktek menghafal dan membaca catatan pada staf musik dengan mengidentifikasi catatan ditampilkan. Aplikasi pelatihan ini memiliki kontrol untuk memilih benda tajam dan flat dan untuk memilih berbagai catatan. Mempelajari catatan pada staf musik standar dan mengalahkan waktu terbaik Anda!
Tersedia Clefs:
- Treble
- Bass
- Alto
- Tenor
Catatan Notasi yang didukung:
- C D E F G A B,
- C D E F G A H,
- Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
Practice memorizing and reading the notes on the music staff by identifying the displayed note. This training app features controls for selecting sharps and flats and for selecting the range of notes. Learn the notes on a standard music staff and beat your best time!
Available Clefs:
- Treble
- Bass
- Alto
- Tenor
Note Notations Supported:
- C D E F G A B,
- C D E F G A H,
- Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si